Op Ed: "Lincoln's Advice for Success Still Rings True Today," 2/20/23
John's op ed featured on FoxNews.com
Abraham Lincoln's rise from a log cabin to the White House has inspired generations of Americans. Here, from our 16th president, are tips about some virtues and ideals that lead to success in life.
John Cribb on Foxnews.com on the Gettysburg Address 11/19/21
John Cribb's Op Ed Featured at Fox News
Abraham Lincoln got one thing very wrong on Nov. 19, 1863, while dedicating a new military cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, when he said the world "will little note, nor long remember what we say here."
John Cribb featured on Ed Martin's Pro America Report 11/12/21
John Cribb featured on Ed Martin's Pro America Report
Ed Martin is the New York Times best-selling author of the The Conservative Case for Trump. He’s a former CNN political contributor and has appeared on every major TV network and hundreds of radio stations.
John Cribb on Real Clear Politics: "Lincoln and Ford: July Forth Should Bring Us Together"
John Cribb's article featured on realclearpolitics
In five years, on July 4, 2026, Americans will observe the 250th anniversary of our nation’s founding, a milestone that carries a somewhat awkward name: the semiquincentennial.
John Cribb on USA Today: Lincoln deserves our gratitude, not the label 'racist'
John Cribb's article featured on usatoday.com
Lincoln used the occasion to offer his thoughts about making the nation whole. Half-way into the speech, he touched on suffrage for Black people, saying, “I would myself prefer that it were now conferred on the very intelligent, and on those who serve our cause as soldiers.”
Old Abe Picked As A 2020 Finalist for Foreword Indies Book of the Year Award in Historical Fiction
Old Abe selected as a finalist at forewordreviews
More than 2,000 entries spread across 55 genres were submitted for consideration. The Finalists were determined by Foreword's editorial team. Winners are now being decided by teams of librarian and bookseller judges from across the country.
What would Abraham Lincoln think of impeachment? | Commentary
John Cribb's Op ed featured on Orlando Sentinel
Abraham Lincoln was born 212 years ago this week, on Feb. 12 1809, and it is tempting in these divided times to wonder what he would think about events now taking place in Washington, D.C., and their effects on national unity, a subject always on Old Abe's mind.
John Cribb: How can Biden unite America? Renew Abraham Lincoln's call to 'bind up the nation's wounds'
John Cribb's Op ed featured on Fox News
When former Vice President Joe Biden is sworn in Wednesday as the 46th president of the United States, he would be wise to quote the words of President Abraham Lincoln's inaugural addresses of 1861 and 1865.
Lincoln at Gettysburg
John Cribb featured in USA Today Magazine's November 2020 Issue
“[The President] got up and stepped to a window. The square was a mass of bodies whooping and singing by torchlight. ‘Hurrah for Old Abe!’ ‘God save the Union!’ A good many of them had sons, brothers, or husbands who had died here four and a half months before. Now, they had come to mourn and find purpose."
Book Touts Character, Leadership of 'Old Abe'
Macon County News
Article featuring
Old Abe by Deena C. Bouknight
While countless books have been written about President Abraham Lincoln, who came from a humble beginning, steered the country through a devastating Civil War, and then lost his life at age 56 to an assassin’s bullet, Cribb wanted to focus on Lincoln’s unexpected entrance into the highest position in the nation, as well as his character.
Lincoln, Douglass, and the Great Task Before Us
Real Clear Politics
Commentary by
John Cribb
Of all the historic meetings that have taken place in the White House, surely one of the most significant came 157 years ago in August 1863, during the Civil War, when the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass sat down with Abraham Lincoln in the president’s office.